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Pope Francis says spanking is OK and why he’s wrong.

Today, popular Pope Francis appears to have endorsed spanking as an acceptable form of punishing children with some conditions:   “One time, I heard a father say, ‘At times I have to hit my children a bit, but never in the face so as not to humiliate...

How to get kids to cooperate: Think like a firefighter!

Discipline How to get kids to cooperate: Think like a firefighter! If you are frustrated that your relationship with your child has too many struggles and too little cooperation, you are not alone. If you have looked to parenting books for help but have found the...

Top Ten Tips for Effective Limit Setting

Discipline Top Ten Tips for Effective Limit Setting What does “setting limits” really mean? A “limit” refers to a rule that establishes a specific behavior to be unacceptable. “No blowing bubbles in your milk” is an example of a limit. “Setting” a limit refers to a...