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Understanding Why Your Son is Challenging.

“His greatest personal strengths are exactly those things that make it most difficult to be his parent,” mom of a challenging boy. Challenging boys have many great personal strengths. They are sensitive, empathic, energetic, driven, persistent, principled, and...

The Universal Need for Parental Acceptance

Child development is so complex that there are practically no certainties. There are experienced, well-meaning, well-credentialed experts lined up on all sides of almost every major issue in parenting. This uncertainty and confusion of conflicting expert opinion can...

Stop Blaming Yourself: Work the Problem People!

General Stop Blaming Yourself: Work the Problem People! As if raising a challenging boy wasn’t stressful, exhausting and difficult enough, parents of challenging boys also have to contend with the advice, judgment and blame of friends, relatives, and strangers at the...